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【双语】你好!中国 | 一起来感受汉字“和”的温度与深度吧!

更新时间:2024-09-27 21:45  浏览量:2


The Chinese character "和" is composed of "禾" and "口". When writing, the left part "禾" is usually written first, followed by the right part "口". The original meaning of this character refers to harmonious sounds, like pleasant music. In later everyday usage, it also conveys meanings of harmony and peace, reflecting the virtues of unity and balance that people pursue.


The character "和" can form many words, such as "和平", meaning a state without war, which is a common aspiration of human society. The famous idiom "和气生财" implies that living harmoniously with others can bring good fortune and wealth. These words illustrate that, although the character is simple in strokes, it carries profound meanings.


Overall, "和" embodies the philosophical idea of harmonious coexistence in China, profoundly reflecting the warmth and depth of Chinese culture.


标签: 汉字 idiom meaning